Our Store
Until 1967 the store was located in the “Old Market” of Piraeus and after its demolition, we moved to “Stoa Politou” in Gounari Street, where we continue until today, the tradition of good Armenian pastourma. The pastourma is handmade and its secret lies in the ideal ratio of spices that we use. Its main component is the fenugreek, a very old flavor from the family of fava beans, which is considered particularly beneficial to health and in recent years proved to be antidiabetic.
Our first workshop was set on the roof of the family house, by our “grandfather”, while today our production activity is located in the modern facilities, made according to European standards, in Menidi. Our success is based on the excellent raw materials and the method of production we use, in addition to the kindness and respect we show towards our consumers, who choose and trust us all these years. Our products have surpassed the Greek borders and today we export our products to several countries like England, France, Italy and Belgium.
We have started with the production of traditional Armenian pastrourma and soujouk. Besides our main products, we also supply other similar items.
In our store you will discover special flavors such as:
- Pastourma shank
- Pastourma short loin ribs
- Soujouk petal
- Soujouk braid
- Veal sausages
- Pork sausages
- Lechmajoun
- Veal kavourma
- Pork kavourma
- Pastourma pies ( Kesaria pie )
- Pies with soujouk